Axiad Solutions

Protect Your Workforce

Protect your users - remote, onsite, and contractors - without introducing additional friction, to deliver an optimal balance between security and usability
Why Axiad

Cover All User Authentication Use Cases

Users are the lifeblood of the organization, and compromising their credentials can lead to significant risk and cost. Axiad supports the widest range of user authentication use cases, including Windows PC, MacOS, client/server, privileged account login, virtual/remote desktop, remote access, and more.
Key Solutions

Authentication Outcomes That Matter

Use Cases

Proven ways to protect your workers

Use Case

Pragmatic Phishing Resistance for Enterprises

Authenticate across the entire environment with a pragmatic blend of Certificate Based Authentication and FIDO passkey. Both authentication methods provide phishing resistance with unique advantages for scale and for future proofing.
Use Case

Adopt an Authentication Management Lifecycle

Authentication initiatives stall due to end user friction and lack of IT resources. Axiad enables authentication to be treated as a lifecycle, operationalizing and streamlining the work for IT while minimizing friction for end users.
  • 52%
    Find workarounds to complex security methods
  • 91%
    Want to stop credential theft and phishing
  • 66%
    Have experienced a phishing attempt recently

Read on About Axiad's Core Solutions

Get Started Now

To learn more about how Axiad can help you shift from a fragmented to a holistic approach to authentication across the enterprise, we invite you to
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