Axiad ID

Mobile Authenticator Application

Multifactor Authentication for your mobile device
Why Axiad

Multifactor Authentication with Flexibility

Leveraging the power of Axiad Cloud, Axiad ID is a mobile authenticator for accessing corporate applications and systems. Axiad ID is available for download from the Apple App Store and Android app stores.
Problems Solved

Solving Your Top Authentication Problems

  • Enhance Security
    Leverage a range of MFA options to enhance security across the entire environment and organization
  • Minimize Friction
    Provide intuitive, guided operation to minimize end user friction and maximize use
  • Span Security Surface
    Span your full application set from Microsoft O365 to on-premises and cloud applications

Read on about Axiad ID

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To learn more about how Axiad can help you shift from a fragmented to a holistic approach to authentication across the enterprise, we invite you to
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