On Demand Webinar
Phishing-resistant Authentication in the Cloud with Azure Active Directory and Axiad Cloud
Presented by Karen Larson and Natee Pretikul

This webinar has been created for enterprise and government CxO-, VP-, and director-level leaders who work within Data Security, System Security, Network Security, and Information Systems Security, and are interested in achieving passwordless phishing-resistant authentication in the cloud for their organization.

After watching this webinar, you will know:
1. How to bring certificate-backed strong authentication to the cloud by using a completely cloud-native approach
2. How to manage certificates for Azure Active Directory CBA without the headaches of managing PKI
3. How to move from on-prem applications (i.e. AD FS) to Azure AD with help from Axiad Cloud
4. How to enroll via Unified Portal and authenticate to Office via Azure AD


Read On About Certificate-Based Authentication

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