Streamline and Simplify your Hardware-based Authentication

Axiad adds the missing layer that enables you to efficiently control your IAM systems and security tokens with a single, integrated platform
Axiad Cloud
Simplified Authentication Management
Security-conscious organizations know that basic two-factor authentication using SMS, OTP, or push notifications does not provide the necessary level of security against today’s cyber criminals. Phishing-resistant MFA with hardware authenticators is required. However, implementing these systems can be extremely complex, and maintaining them creates a heavy burden on both end-users and IT staff. That’s where Axiad Cloud can help!

Axiad Cloud is a comprehensive authentication management system that enables you to implement true phishing-resistant MFA on top of your existing authorization techniques in a simple and straightforward manner. It enables you to use hardware tokens coupled with strong encryption to control user access while eliminating passwords. It supports all major hardware token devices and IAM software systems, enabling you to manage them together within an integrated, SaaS-based application. The result is better security, happier users, and fewer support calls!
Technology Partnerships

Available Integrations

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Axiad Cloud Advantages

Authentication Done Differently

  • Phishing Resistant
    Protect your systems from phishing, social engineering and other cyber attacks—supports the strongest levels of MFA security as recommended by CISA
  • Simplify Operations
    Orchestrate your entire authentication infrastructure – users and machines – with an intuitive, SaaS-based application; hides underlying certificate and encryption complexity
  • Reduce User Friction
    Eliminate passwords and empower end-users to easily access what they need, when they need it, in a consistent manner
  • Full Lifecycle Management
    Enhance your existing capabilities with Axiad’s simplified user enrollment, renewal and revocation processes
  • Simplified security
    Comprehensive Solution
    Choose phishing-resistant MFA using FIDO/WebAuth or certificate-based auth; add Axiad’s PKI-as-a-Service for general machine & application authentication
  • Improve Efficiency
    Save time and money with streamlined operations and simplified user experience resulting in reduced administration workload and fewer support tickets for a quick ROI

Recognized as a Market Leader


More About MFA and Axiad Cloud Solutions

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Let Axiad show you how to simplify your identity operations while strengthening your security.